Why is reading truly a senior citizen’s best friend?

May 9, 2023|

Human beings are social beings. As humans, we long for connections with each other. While, our youth is replete with social activities, during old age, one suffers from severe social isolation, affecting their emotions and [...]

Addressing loneliness in senior citizens

March 30, 2023|

  India not only has the second largest global ageing population, but it also stands third amongst the countries with the highest rate of loneliness in older adults, according to a global survey. In fact, [...]

Elder Abuse in India – The Hidden Truth

March 4, 2023|

One in every six senior citizens faces abuse globally. According to some studies, the prevalence of elder abuse in India ranges between 9.6 to 61.7% across different states, although the actual figures may be much [...]

Dementia and Elderly Care

January 26, 2023|

  Elderly care in India has come a long way during the past decade, with a number of specialised care centres and senior living facilities opening in different parts of the country. Care for dementia [...]